Toriko Manga Summary
Toriko Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
In a world where the flavor and feel of food is very significant, there exist people called Gourmet Hunters (Bishokuya) who focus on the acquisition of uncommon ingredients and creatures. Toriko is one of the hunters also it's his wish to discover the most valuable foods on the planet and make the ultimate dinner course. As among the very proficient hunters on earth, eateries and the rich to seek out new fixings and rare creatures often hire him. A guy with skill that is inhuman, he uses knowledge and his unbelievable power of the animal kingdom to get uncommon animals, evasive, and ferocious to further his supreme aim. He's accompanied by a fearful and feeble chef named Komatsu who, inspired by the dream of Toriko, travels with him to enhance his culinary abilities also to locate uncommon fixings. An organization that seeks to manage the planet 's whole food supply raises the challenge...
Characters in Toriko manga
Toriko Manga started serialization on May 19, 2008 in the manga anthology Weekly Shonen Jump. The individual chapters are released since November 4, 2008 into tankobon volumes. As of January 18, 2016, the collection crosses 354 37 tankobon volumes and chapters.
The manga premiered in the February 2010 version of Shonen Jump. The initial volume of Toriko Manga premiered on June 1, 2010, and Viz has released 33 English language volumes by April 5, 2016.
Toriko Manga was one of the 10 nominated for the 2nd Manga Taisho 2009 awards (Cartoon Grand Prize 2009) and ended up taking the 9th position. The nominating committee is composed mainly of bookstore staffers and any manga title which was released in 2009 and has eight volumes or less was not ineligible.
Toriko Manga is enjoying a lot of success. It has been consistently rated by readers among the most notable names in the Shonen Jump popularity surveys alongside the likes of best sellers One Piece, Bleach and Naruto. As of November 2013 the overall sales for the set has broken through 18 million copies.
Primary Character in Toriko Manga
Toriko is the primary protagonist of the Toriko anime and manga series as well as a renown, proficient and very powerful Gourmet Hunter.
Toriko AMW
Toriko's recent efforts happen to be primarily focused on going into the brutal Gourmet World while a strong warrior in his own right. He has also learned of the presence of several strong warriors already effective at entering it, and has been training so that you can enter and survive in its harsh environment. Now, he is planning to get to the ingredient GOD that is great that every one of them enter before it falls into the incorrect hands Gourmet World to seek
Other manga :
+ Gintama manga
+ Horimiya manga