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Sho Sho Rika

Sho Sho Rika

Sho Sho Rika Manga Summary

A devoted follower of the goddess of celebration, Analis, created Steffens, a school solely dedicated to food and cooking. The new transfer student Chlorophyll Rewrite has caused quite a stir by taking the number one spot in the school. He is a germaphobe and is scared of being touched or even eating food cooked by other people. Chlorophyll, or Chloro, was admitted into the academy on one condition: he must be the top student in all the classes he takes or he will be kicked out. The former number one student, Antosiannie Eda, is a long time childhood friend of Chloro and also the reason he became a germaphobe. Chloro came to Steffens to make a name for himself and to overcome his phobia but it’s never as easy as it seems.
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